Not The Industry Standard
Not The Industry Standard

For a long time, I have been struggling with all this creative energy that needs to flow out of me...or at least how to bravely express it to the world. I am a photographer, videographer, graphic design noob, novice puppeteer, collage enthusiast and hopeful musician. Since finding art, I have a deeper purpose in life and it has made so many other things fall into place. Because of this life transforming realization, I have decided that I am going to make it my mission to help people find and grow their inner artist. We all have it in us, it's part of our DNA to connect. This is a space where I will talk about that and the industries that I have worked in with mainly no filter. Welcome aboard!

Editor of the conduit and voiceatx
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Not The Industry Standard

Not The Industry Standard

Read your news. Eat your greens. Question everything. Musings from the land of the unplugged.